Friday 9 August 2019

Moany Ramblings

My wrists/ hands are very painful at the moment, making everyday tasks seem difficult, eg doing my bra up at the back and even wiping my bum after a poo. (prob too much info on the latter!)

Sciatica, on my right side seems to have reared its ugly head again and walking, getting up from sitting etc, is quite painful.  I think I am slowly falling to pieces, but it may all go away, as it has done in the past.  Fingers crossed. I may have to get the folding walking stick out of retirement!  Keeping my sense of humour really helps, plus keep taking the tablets!

The main thing is, I'm starting to enjoy life again after losing my lovely Paul. I know he would want me to.  I can still get about thank goodness and I'm still here and there are people much worse off than myself.

My motto is "Life is short but precious - nothing matters more than life, so strive to be kind"

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