Thursday 4 January 2024

End Game.

I'm still here, but think I'm reaching the end of the line with this terminal cervical cancer lark.
I feel sick a lot of the time. The anti nausea pills do help, but they have unpleasant side effects such as bunging me up. Then I have to counteract them with laxatives with the opposite effect, so daren't go anywhere due to recent "accidents" The brachytherapy caused most of the problems down below. I wish I hadn't had it, in hindsight or any treatment seeing as none of it worked. 
 I'm eating a bit better which helps my guts I suppose.
The soreness and discomfort is getting worse so most probably have another UTI. Will find out next week when I go for diabetes review, with wee sample in hand ( well, in the bottle rather!)

Still, I've made past Christmas 23 and into 2024, so mustn't complain. My aim is to make it to my 82nd on Feb 7th. 
Gynae man ringing me from Addenbrookes on 12th to see if I'm still around. No real point with having more scans, as nothing they can do and I dread the journey anyway.
I'll keep cracking sick jokes, like where is a Dr Shipman type when you need him!  That was bad taste, but that's me. I'm too chicken to do it myself as I'd cock it up anyway,
 most likely! 

See you folks x