Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Truth Hurts

When a beloved partner dies suddenly, at least you can console yourself that they loved you and you are glad of the good times and the last holidays etc you spent together.

Then completely by chance you find out something about them that completely shatters the memories. You think that the whole relationship was built on lies and you cannot get past the awful truth, you discovered about the one you love. I wish you were here still, so that I could ask you why you turned out to be a lying, cheating scumbag. You were often so judgemental about other people's lives - what a hypocrite you were!  Was it just the two I now know about or were there more?  I hope they were worth it Paul. No wonder your heart packed up. I thought you really loved me. How naive was I not to see the signs, that are all so obvious to me now?  I'm such a dumb blonde.

You never really know anybody it seems...