Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Wednesday Ramblings.

12 15pm

Well, they say snow is on its way in our region and indeed it is very cold with a bitter wind, plus it is expected to get much colder and rougher this evening.  Funny how a bit of snow or inclement weather causes such a focus for conversation. I wonder if people who live in permanently sunny climes discuss the weather constantly as we Brits tend to?  Perhaps they moan about the constant heat.  Still, our weather can't be that intolerable, as everyone wants to come and live here, apparently!!

I have updated my self-published poetry/story booklets on LULU and sent for a couple of copies of each to make sure they are fit for purpose. There are links on there to get help at each stage of the publishing, but I can never make head nor tail of what they're trying to tell me, so not terribly helpful -  oh well!    Hopefully there are not too many spelling/ grammatical mistakes.   Anyway, they are now available for sale on Lulu, via the link on my profile, My Web Page. if anyone wants to have a look.

I went to visit my Granddaughter Kim last Saturday and new baby Amiya. She is absolutely gorgeous and I was thrilled to hold her and give her a cuddle. She was asleep most of the time and so far seems a very laid-back baby, though I'm sure all that will change.  Her two big brothers are very taken with her too and will be protective of her, as she grows, though she may turn out to be a right bossy boots!

I just love tiny babies, pity they turn into sulky teens one day!



Friday, 9 January 2015

Friday Ramblings

I've been busy on Lulu, updating my self-published poems/stories, deleting some and adding a few others. I wish I could make them more professional looking, but not up to that degree of technology.  The good thing is that it's free to publish and you only pay for the books you order at a discounted price, excluding postage.

It's too expensive to get Lulu to do them for you, but I might one day decide to go for it, if I come into a few bob or two.  I enjoy writing limericks, so will definitely publish a small book of them; will need to write a few more first though, as they are quite short, a lot are required to fill a book.

There is a link to my Lulu Author Spotlight page on the Contact column in my profile if you click on My Web Page, if anyone is interested.

Other news is of course, the birth of my latest Gt Granddaughter Amiya, born 7th of January. I'm going to see her tomorrow, can't wait!
Needless to say I will be armed with some new baby clothes, etc.  Much more choice available now at reasonable prices, unlike in my day, when it was very limited.


Wednesday, 7 January 2015

New addition!

Baby Amiya, my latest Gt Granddaughter, born today 6am,  weighing 6lbs 9.