Friday, 20 December 2013

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

AUTUMN TREES by Ann Wilson

Autumn is the time of year
When leaves are falling fast.
In shades of russet-red and gold;
Too beautiful to last.

A birch is swaying in the wind
Its leaves still clinging there.
Still green, with hints of autumn gold
But soon it will be bare.

Gone now are the leaves of bronze
But the beauty isn't lost.
Lady Birch is wearing finest lace;
Gifted by the morning frost.

The bareness of her branches
Reveal their shape and form.
As they harden-up for winter;
Preparing for the storm.

Blue-grey needles of the cedar
Were painted silver by the moon.
Autumn sun shines on the holly;
Will those berries ripen soon?

Sunday, 15 December 2013

WICKED WINTER. A poem by Ann Wilson

I am the winter weather;
It's my delight, to freeze your nose.
I'll make you shake and shiver
and put chilblains on your toes!

I am the winter weather
and I'm not very nice.
I'll make you slip and slide about,
when I turn my snow to ice.

I am the winter weather;
I hope you'll sniff and sneeze.
A hacking cough and choking splutter,
as I spread my viral wheeze!

I am the winter weather;
Creeping up on you - I'm stealthy!
"Forgot your cod-liver oil? Ha ha!
I'd rather you weren't healthy!"

I am the winter weather;
maybe you should stay indoors.
All cosy by your roaring fire,
safe from my evil claws!


Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Tuesday Christmas Ramblings

1 35pm

Well, it's only 14 days to Christmas as the new app on my phone is telling me, in between showing a glimmering golden Christmas tree with a shining star on top, very pretty, even though it's probably sucking all life from the battery!  Paul, my partner has just retrieved our ancient tree from the barn so we'll probably be putting it up and decorating it later - much later!

  Hope the equally ancient fairy lights still work.

I'd better get cracking as haven't done any Christmas shopping yet save a couple of presents. I did buy some mince pies, but we've scoffed them already, long gone are the days when I made them, though I have been baking fruit cakes just lately, much inspired by my lovely new cooker with fan oven. My old one took an age to heat up.  The only trouble with homemade cakes is that they are so much nicer than anything bought so it's very tempting to pig out, not that I need an excuse.  Have put the 5;2 diet on hold till after Christmas as I know I can't keep to it over the festive season.

